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IKEA Advertising Campaign

IKEA Beds: a tale of dreams and reality

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Advertising beds IKEAThe British branch of the Swedish furniture giant IKEA in tandem with a London agency Mother London gave birth to a third clip from the series The Wonderful Everyday. At this time infomercial dedicated beds. It is a surreal video created sensations experienced in a dream everyone who chose IKEA bed. The video is taken with the assistance of the famous director Juan Cabral advertising.

90-momentary video is a mini-tale about a girl's dream in which she was flying high above the city and passes from one uncomfortable bed to another, as long as it is the best and convenient, next to his companion and a dog at home.

IKEA bed

Flying Bed

The creators of the movie wanted to emphasize the idea that, wherever you was on his way, wherever you traveled, there is no better place than his home and comfortable bed. So explain the meaning of the roller creative Mother's employees Diego Cardoso de Oliveira and Caio Gainnella.

Behind the scenes

They also added that the process of shooting was really fun and its main goal was to create the impression that everything is really going on. In any case, they have attracted a backup, but the actress managed to do everything herself.

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Above movie a team of professionals Mother London:

Directed by: Juan Cabral (MJZ)
Creative managers: Diego Cardoso de Oliveira, Caio Gainnella
Operator: Eric Gautier
Creative Director (2D): Bill McNamara 
Colorist: Jean-Clément Soret


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