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IKEA Advertising Campaign

The interior of IKEA come alive even toys!

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Playing with IKEAIKEA released commercial in a radically new format for himself - music. In this case, such a creative solution is behind the London advertising agency Mother. This time, IKEA looks away from the product itself, but will try to show what you can do at home. 

It was produced and released two rollers, the central figure of which is a huge teddy bear. In the first video he tells about his life's difficulties on how to him with such impressive size hard life. After all, the city is absolutely not suited for it. Bear can not take the bus - a doorway too small for it. His foot is too big and not prolazit the window so he can not eat chocolate bar or drink a soda from a vending machine. Because of the garbage on the street his hair much dirtier. The only place where he feels comfortable and convenient - shopping center IKEA. He even got back to work, and in one of the rooms there and then built himself a house. Said one of its advertisers, he amused himself by riding around the room on a trolley. He invited him to participate in the campaign by IKEA. And now bear met with the same big toys, like himself. Now he is doing well, thanks to IKEA.

The second bright clip - is a project for the advertising rotation on TV. He went under the name "Playing with friends". In the video, it was possible to combine the convenience of furniture and children's imagination rich in fiction. Just see how easily and naturally they can be given ordinary household chores. Under the fervent music, the video unobtrusively demonstrates how convenient it is to use the furniture and interior items of IKEA. Even a child can appreciate it! Huge toys with grace maneuver around the room. They are all engaged in helping small children set the table, preparing the dining room for a great holiday. In one minute, advertisers show how easily furniture is transformed, as if adjusting to the desires of children. Different size lockers and cabinets, the ability to get anywhere with the help of a two-stage stand. 

Playing with friends

Unpredictable ending video. In specular reflection toy assistants turn into moms, dads, grandparents, who each own child talks about something interesting. Everything happens for a fun game.

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