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Advertising campaigns IKEA in Russia

2006: Book of Changes

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"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller

"Creation of a microcosm"

Brand "IKEA" - is, first of all, communication with the public on a special occasion.

It is known that the brand "IKEA" never appeals to the basest thoughts so the buyer as the need for furniture or home comfort.

Marko refers to the hidden designer's enthusiasm and creative potential that warms the soul secretly businesslike and practical inhabitant metropolis. It refers to the memories that you can do something with his own hands, simply and naturally as a child. That is, the brand offers consumers the feel of a small co-creator of the world, which is available to the average citizen control.

A resident of a megacity can not control many of the processes of life, both in business and in the aesthetic field, since these processes are subject to too much information flows. But he can build his little kingdom within their own apartments or within its own garden plot or cottage.

So, for many years the brand "IKEA" offers itself to the consumer as a co-creator of this local task creation. As a partner in uncomplicated aesthetic and ideological home game for the modest middle class.

Babbitt often tries to do as much as possible more beautiful and stylish. But at the same time, he quickly tired of the fashion and the official in taste and aesthetics. He wants something "simple" almost "protest", and its recognizable.

But it would be a mistake to assume that the consumer chooses an ugly or destructive. This is too low. Babbitt choose "something simple" and "foreign, but with originality."

New cultural joke

On the streets of the city hang posters:

"And people will find a place of promise" (chairs)

"This bed you, my children" (bed),

"Return of the Prodigal sleep" (bed),

"Feed your neighbor" (kitchen furniture)

"And the light is separated from darkness" (lamp)

"Tailor nakedness of her husband" (duvet cover and pillowcase)

"And people will find a place of promise" (sofa bed)

"Holy is never empty chair" (seat).

All this goes under the motto "The Book of Changes. New catalog "IKEA"

 We believe that the new campaign calls "IKEA" look quite boldly, almost on the verge of a foul. Brand makes an appeal to the audience, citing in the form of a collage of eastern and western "spiritual values". However, he remains within the specified coordinates - in fact mentioned in the advertising themes, which are ready to play and joke typical of the middle class.

In the titles, the parody is more specific: we see missionary preaching in the Protestant spirit, with elements of the culture of the hospel. A horny preacher in a suit is shouting with inspiration from the stage: "Sisters! Look at this sleepy woman! She suffers. Let's turn to the Book of Changes on page 198. Give yourself a long-awaited comfort in a dream! "A mattress is brought in the frame, and behind the back of the preacher the lady is happily laid on him." She raises her head and twinkles brightly: "I can sleep!" The whole crowded audience comes to an indescribable delight. The announcer (for the cheerful sounds of the organ, on the keys of which the drummer in the black glasses is banging): "The new catalog of" IKEA "." A book of changes that will revitalize your home. "

"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller

Each inhabitant of the big city atmosphere is familiar sermon coaching or domestic Protestant missionary. Great Hall, spiritual music singer, preacher, passionately appealing to the audience. On the contrary - people experiencing spiritual suffering. They respond to an offer preacher and certainly healed.

In the clip in place of the Bible a new directory "IKEA" kvazivostochnym with the title "Book of Changes". Audience opens the directory on that page - and the miracle of being accomplished.

Of course, the same pattern held and standardized presentation of useful new products in television sales, and the meeting of representatives of private trading networks that promote pyramid scheme cosmetic products or bioactive agents.

Clip viewer learns atmosphere and script, so can easily evaluate this composite paraphrase.

The success or failure of the advertising campaign "IKEA" are composed of two factors - the quality of the game and the appropriateness of the joke in the current context.

"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller
"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller

The new service. "People who follow the thoughts! - Says all the same pastor. - For they become words. Cease to complain of overcrowding and believe. Let us turn to the Book of Changes on page 7. Look a little - not to close. Cleverly planned kitchen does not seem like a close or uncomfortable, "- concludes the satisfaction pastor. Meeting again comes overjoyed. "I know the truth" - tearfully wails one of the ladies. Speaker to the sounds of the body: "The new catalog" IKEA "." The Book of Changes, which will enliven your home. " The agency Instinct (Moscow)

What is the prognosis? We turn first to the story. For example, the sensational scandal joke end 1990-ies "One in ten Europeans put on our bed!" Was on the verge of falling. But the "past", since the topic of free talk "about it" was appropriate. For example, the same joke in Europe 2006 years would seem outdated, as relevant now other topics and other games.

In St. Petersburg during its existence, the brand offers a few pleasant cultural jokes that seemed relevant in the context of the interests and values ​​of the city. For example, the elegant video clip in which a person is in the queue to the Hermitage and the only one with the comfort of waiting queue - it sits on a folding chair from the "IKEA". This clip is ideally supported contrast aesthetics Hermitage and home aesthetics "IKEA".

Street posters for the brand "IKEA" - it is always kindly, slightly ambiguous joke, clear "their" and acceptable in a cultural context. Tradition clips "IKEA" - positive humorous scene that reflects the life of citizens, such as a trip to the country, all in the museum.

The proposed campaign, compared to the old, affecting the sovereign space of the intimate life of the citizens, which is called "spirituality" or, recalling the terms of the old, pre-perestroika times, "the space of ideology."

The new campaign made an appeal to the residents of large cities, with subtle humor in relation to the everyday realities of the typical citizen. The novelty is that the reality of selected acute, with an ideological tinge and very comical.

The authors were well aware of what they were doing. That this is a comic intellectual game is understandable already from the comments that Daniil Ostrovsky, art director of the agency Instinct, gave us: "On the 22-th day of the spring month of May, we were sent to us by the Sky Strategies Brief. And we took it. And they began to read. And the Brief revealed to us the truth and revelation. And we learned that there is a new catalog of IKEA and that it is full of myriad ideas on how to improve my house. And then we realized that this catalog is the Book of Changes, for it will change the life of anyone who touches it and opens it. And then we came to the Creators chief and told them: "Creators! Here is the Brief, and here is the catalog. And the catalog is the Book of Changes. And we will not hide this from the masses of people, but let us tell them the truth through the miracle of television. " And the Creators said: "Let it be so." And it became so.

Intelligent collage

Attention-getting calls "IKEA" - a collage of transparent paraphrase of different cultural backgrounds. The average urban public correlates it with something "of the ancient wisdom" may "with something from the Old Testament." Probably, the audience will long wonder how China "Book of Changes" is related to the European "Genesis". And as I Ching divination is related to the biblical story of creation. And even more so with the purchase of inexpensive furniture of Swedish design. Answer it certainly will not find, but feel very smart.

The role of the intellectual collage should not be underestimated. Connect the three thematic contexts immediately reminds something about the Olympics or college for advanced students. And since the average educated man in the street is not very well aware of the spiritual and cultural history, we are happy to use quotes "on the occasion." This quote may seem more familiar to him respect for its historical and cultural competence than blasphemy and mockery of spiritual values ​​and beliefs.

After all, what a pleasure to recognize in the same sentence several contexts: the East and with the Book of Changes, and about the Old Testament: "Be fruitful and multiply!", And about the creation of the world: "The light is separated from darkness."

The quotation through paraphrase creates mild anxiety that reliably draws attention. The viewer begins to think about not offended if a parallel spiritual values, and at the same time he can not clearly point out what exactly is the source of a prototype of the utterance.

"IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller "IKEA": a new mythology of the modern city-dweller

The viewer recognizes in the same sentence several contexts: East with Book of Changes, something from the Old Testament, the Swedish furniture design. It's safe attracts attention. The viewer begins to think about not offended if a parallel spiritual values, and at the same time he can not clearly point out what exactly is the source of a prototype statements

Is there a taboo in their heads?

Whether it is appropriate in the context of a joke general tactics "IKEA"? The answer lies in the cultural debate. This will depend on the how the audience of consumers, "IKEA" identifies with "educated middle class." Representatives of other communities may resent and reject intellectual joke for what they offer "to remember something about the school."

To some extent, the brand has always appealed to the citation of "hot" stories that are suitable for small talk in the living room, so to touch the theme of "spirituality" is appropriate. The only question is, which of the themes used are the subject of "secular games", and what - the subject of "serious reflection of life." The advertisement is always useful to refer to the themes of the first level and risky to turn to second-level subjects.

Therefore, this advertising can be considered as a living cultural and sociological experiment. Reviews on it can show what really is in the minds of citizens. And what topics are taboo in our culture.

In general, we believe that such action is quite appropriate and give the brand's success. The typical intellectual eclecticism akin trends of the modern urban mass mythology. Modern mass culture of the middle class - it is a culture and a collage of quotations, so hopefully the audience will appreciate the joke.

Elena Petrova, a consultant on business communications, psychology editor of the magazine "Advertising Ideas."


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