Soon the New Year and the company IKEA, of course, did not leave the world's favorite holiday without his attention. This will be reflected in the continuation advertising campaign under the name "New ideas are." According to a good tradition, the project was created in collaboration with Instinct. The theme of the video is an ideal celebration for which the main heroine of the holiday is preparing, who talks with a voice from an IKEA advertising company.
Movie called "New ideas to celebrate," and its purpose - inspiration of Russian citizens to change traditions that are associated with food. Particular attention IKEA and advertising agency Instinct paid to table setting and decoration of dishes. Faith - the heroine of the video - making the preparations for the holiday and enjoy the table serves, creating a cozy atmosphere in the house.
At that time, as the Vera setting the table, behind the scenes the voice reading a poem about the celebration New Year. IKEA company promises that the new year will be all FANTASTISK!