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Advertising campaigns IKEA in Russia

We continue to awaken love

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wake up loveIKEA Instinct advertising agency presented the continuation advertising campaign "We awake Love", which was held on the territory of Russia. And, of course, could not tie the creators arrival of spring with the action dedicated to love. So, let's wake up love again with IKEA! Traditionally, the advertising campaign is accompanied by a video clip, which is designed to transform all around and bring together people who love. 

With regard to advertising roller, then it is dedicated to a young family in which dad behaves like a child, mom tries to prepare everything in the house by the beginning of spring. And although everyone seems to be busy with their own business, they all bring a spring mood into the house. After all, spring brings a feeling of joy that we are ready to share with our loved ones. And IKEA creators tell us how we can update our home interior with the help of the Swedish manufacturer of the goods. This sense of promotion brings to us and head of marketing at retail IKEA in Russia - Anna Nizhnik.

Among the participants of the group preparing the composition of advertising project and a video clip: managers and designers of IKEA in Russia - Anna Nizhnik, Anna Fokina, Olga Trukets, Ivan Nyrkov; Instinct creatives - Y. Orlov, R. Firayner (creative directors), director - Niels Graaboel, art director - Nikolai Pere, producer - Tatiana Maksimova.

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