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Advertising campaigns IKEA in Russia

"Sleepy" clip on Instinct

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Good morningOwls, larks, pigeons - it does not matter. It does not matter to what chronotype personality you belong and how to operate your biological clock. Almost all of us know the feeling that it would be desirable to extend well even on 5 minutes, turning arrows alarm. You have probably guessed that we are talking about awakening.

Together with the agency InstinctWhich recently took a position in the development of companion IKEA promotions, the Swedish manufacturer has launched a new video. He was a continuation of the campaign entitled "Wakes love." At this time the developers creative idea roller applied to the arrangement of the bedroom. His 30-minute second video they are loath to part with your favorite bedroom, as well as solutions, creating a comfortable sleep.

{mp4} video / stories / articles / reklama / in-Russia / sonny-rolik / sleepy-ads {/ mp4}

Roller demonstrates normal for many morning, when to get up, to gather, to raise a child to school, cook him breakfast and the list goes on. The softness of textiles, bed comfort, furnaces bliss IKEA bedrooms do not provide. Adult movie heroes continue to sleep, and their daughter covered with a blanket with his head.

In addition to the movie, the creators filmed a little story about how the filming process. Nicholas Jonsson, Managing the marketing department of the Russian IKEA, said in his video they wanted to introduce humor awakening ordinary family. Who among us does not reorder Service in the morning hoping to finally get some sleep and lie in a warm bed. Indeed, in many ways on how we spent our "sleepy" clock depends our whole next day. Instinct says that to achieve this easily. To do this quite a bit - furnished bedroom from IKEA.

  • +1


    24.10.2014 22:47 | #
    Reply | Reply with quote | quote
    Where did you find such abominable voices for reklamy.Kazhdy time I shudder and quickly tidy zvuk.OSTOChERTEL Oh! Or reduce sound Advertising should not be intrusive and gentle sounds, as well as iron for steklu.Neuzheli in life this woman so ugly voice, like her home suffer! .
  • 0


    03.11.2014 19:43 | #
    Reply | Reply with quote | quote
    And I really liked the movie. It is evident that people are trying to convey to us their information. Personally, I want to make your bedroom a convenient and comfortable to rest brought me pleasure.

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