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Advertising campaigns IKEA in Russia

Essence of Desire toys with IKEA

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Draw toy dreamsThe contest entitled "Draw the toy of their dreams", held annually by the company within IKEA charity campaign help those who want to learn. The essence of the competition was to draw a toy of their dreams. Finished drawings were posted on the website the voting option has been available for their favorite work. The final stage of the competition was held in the city of Älmhult in Sweden. For him, it was selected 20 best work for submission to the Russian participants at the international competition. There followed another qualifying round competition, Which resulted in the left 10 works drawn candidates from Taiwan, Belgium, Cyprus and Romania, the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Croatia, as well as Spain and Malaysia.

All selected ToysDepicted in Figures winners will be included in a limited collection of IKEA, where the goods will be available this fall. In all the shops we will see the sun tiger charming droplet, funny skunk, menacing dinosaur and unseen, but very attractive creature. In Russia, the first place was awarded participant of Astrakhan - Sophia Roshupkina. Sophia portrayed butterfly Elina as a toy of their dreams. For the winner of the company IKEA has prepared a special prize, the other participants will not be wronged, their "dream toys" will become cartoon characters, which will be released with the start of sales of the goods limited edition. According to estimates of the organizers of the contest, participants were 4386 children.

Toy IKEA dream

On behalf of the little artists, the IKEA Family club donated 100 rubles each to the accounts of local charitable organizations. In total, in the course of the competition, funds were collected, amounting to more than 400 thousand rubles. Recall that the goal project It is a charity. This is not the first charity project of IKEA, this year has already been implemented support of educational initiatives children of African and Asian countries as well as countries in Eastern and Central Europe, through the sale of soft toys and children's books and the transfer of funds to the Children's Fund, UNICEF and Save the children.

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