The parties to this User Agreement:
The site "IKEA Fans Club" (further - Site);
A physical / legal person / individual entrepreneur who, in accordance with the requirements of the law, is recognized as a participant in civil traffic (hereinafter - the User).
This User Agreement of the Site governs the relationship between the User and the Site and is considered concluded from the moment of the User commits one of the following actions on the Site:
- Filling out or submitting the "Registration" form on the Site;
- Fill out or send forms "Add announcement" on the Site;
- Fill out or send the form "Contacts" on the Site;
This User Agreement is equivalent to a contract drawn up in writing. The conclusion of the User Agreement means that the User in the necessary degree has read the terms of this User Agreement and fully and unconditionally agrees with them, including regarding the provision of the consent to the Site for the processing of the User's personal data on the terms specified in section 4 of this User Agreement, and in the part of granting consent to the Site to receive e-mail, sms and other types of newsletters of information and advertising content, including from Site Partners.
The site offers the User services for posting information about goods (services) for the purpose of subsequent purchase or sale of various goods and services by other Users (hereinafter - Services), with the exception of goods and services limited in turnover or withdrawn from turnover on the site. All transactions are concluded between counterparties directly. Due to the fact that the Site is not a party to transactions and, moreover, is obliged to comply with the requirements of the current legislation with regard to the responsibility for posting information in general access, the Site is not subject to the law on the protection of consumers' rights.
The site entitles the User to post ads after filling in the Registration with the indication of a valid e-mail address, login name and the chosen password. After that, the user receives an email confirming the registration, containing a link, the transfer of which is necessary to complete the registration. Using the opportunities of the Site, both registered and unregistered users, means acceptance of these terms and obligations to follow the instructions for using the Services.
By agreeing to this agreement, the User agrees to the processing of information provided by the User.
The Agreement can be changed by the Site without any special notification, the new version of the Agreement comes into force after 3 (three) days from the date of its placement, unless otherwise provided for in the new edition of the Agreement.
The site reserves the right to publish a list of products (services) banned for sale on the Site and, therefore, banned for placement in ads for Users and to make changes to the specified list unilaterally without agreement with Users. In case of coincidence of information published in the User's announcement with the information published in the list of goods (services) prohibited for sale on the Site, the Board removes / corrects the User's announcement without explaining the reasons and without references to the date of publication of the announcement / correction of the list.
At the moment, it is allowed to place ads ONLY goods and services related to IKEA products
When registering, the User undertakes to indicate a valid email address, login name and password, which the User chooses independently. (The Services are not provided, and should not be used by persons under 18 years of age or persons temporarily or permanently suspended from using the Site Services; persons under 18 years of age can use the Services only with the consent of their legal representatives). The Site is not responsible for the provision of deliberately false information by the Users and, if there are reasonable doubts about the accuracy of the information provided, the Site has the right to delete the User / restrict the User's access without explaining the reasons and compensate for the temporary and financial losses of the User / third parties in connection with the removal / restriction access.
The user is obliged as far as possible to monitor the safety of his password and not disclose it to outsiders.
A user who places an item for sale on the Site agrees to post it in accordance with the instructions on the Site and provide accurate and complete information about the product and the terms of its sale, but is not required to disclose information that may affect the price of the goods.
The user is obliged to make sure that the sale of the goods does not violate the current legislation, and that the sale of this product is permitted by the rules of the Site.
The user is obliged to make an accurate description of the goods, terms of delivery and sale. Terms of sale and description of goods, compiled by the User, must not contradict this Agreement and the current legislation (responsibility for compliance with these requirements is assigned to the User).
The User undertakes not to use automatic programs to gain access to the Site without the authorized permission of the Site.
The User undertakes not to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or provide to third parties any information contained on the Site (except for the Information provided by the User himself) without reference to the Site as the place of the initial posting of information.
The User undertakes not to interfere or attempt to interfere with the work and other activities on the Site; and also not to interfere with the operation of automatic systems or processes and other activities, in order to prevent or restrict access to the Site.
The User undertakes not to use the Information provided by another User without the permission of another User. All information received by the User about other Users in connection with the use of the Site may be used only for making transactions using the Site. Thus, the User is not permitted to use the email address of another User for the purposes of direct mailing or other sending of unwanted electronic messages. The billboard is not responsible for the violation of this rule, except for the obligation to stop access to the Site for the User who violated it.
The User has the right to use the Services only with his / her own email address, login name and password.
The user has the right to use additional paid services of the Site. Payment for additional paid services is carried out by using a virtual account opened by the User automatically when registering on the Site provided that the User's virtual account has funds.
The User grants to the Site a non-exclusive, acting ubiquitous, indefinite right to use such right with respect to copyrights, trademarks, publications and databases that the User has about the Information provided by the User on all known or unknown media. The User also waives all moral and proprietary rights that the User has in relation to the Information provided by the User, within the limits specified by applicable law. By posting on our website an ad with images without copyright protection, the User agrees with the use of the image and / or part thereof in the interests of the Site without payment of a fee.
The User undertakes not to transfer or sell his data to enter the system to third parties. The user is obliged to immediately change the login data if he has reasons to suspect that the data was disclosed or can be used by third parties.
By placing the goods for sale, the User confirms that he has the right to sell this product.
The site reserves the right to limit the number of active User ads on the Site, as well as to restrict the User's actions on the Site.
The site reserves the right, at its discretion, to publish the User's ads in the social networks (official groups, communities, etc.) free of charge, and the User agrees to this type of publication.
The site reserves the right to transfer this user agreement between the Site and the User, including, but not limited to, all the resulting rights and obligations or part thereof to a third party. In case of transfer of rights, the Site undertakes to notify, to whom the rights under the user agreement, rights and / or obligations were transferred, by publishing relevant information on the Site. In case of transfer of the user agreement to a third party, the third party has the right to provide similar or similar services on another site.
The billboard also has the right to move, complete or extend the period for demonstrating the goods for technical reasons that are under control or outside the control of the Site. The site has the right to stop demonstration of the placed goods if the User has registered an object that violates or may violate this Agreement or the current legislation.
The user does not have the right to place the goods for sale on the Site, or to complete the transaction initiated on the Site, which may lead to violation of the current legislation by the Site.
The site is not the organizer of the transaction or the seller. This Site provides an opportunity for registered users to post for sale, sell and purchase legally permitted goods at any time, from anywhere and at any price. The site does not check all ads posted by Users, it does not own objects placed for sale on the Site, and the Site does not participate in transactions between Buyers and Sellers. Thus, the quality, safety, legality and conformity of the goods (services) to its description, as well as the Seller's opportunity to sell, and the Buyer - to purchase the goods are beyond the control of the Site. Therefore, the User can not conclude that the offer, sale and purchase of any product is valid and legal based on the fact of placement, sale and purchase of goods on the Site. The site is not responsible for completing the transaction by the Seller or the Buyer. The user assumes full responsibility for the fact that his actions do not contradict the current legislation. In case of receipt of an appeal by an authorized state body that established that the information posted by the User is an abuse / violation of the current legislation or prerequisites for receiving such an appeal in the future, the Site has the right to delete the information posted by the User from the Site or to edit them.
The site does not use special technical solutions to verify the correctness of information provided by our users when registering on the Site. The site does not bear responsibility and can not guarantee that the User is really what he represents, and also that the information provided during registration on the Site is correct. The site recommends communicating with possible counterparties, using for this purpose all the tools available on the Site.
The user is responsible for all actions using his email address, login name and password.
Some of the data published by Users on the Site may seem insulting, unreliable or misleading individual Users. The user must take into account that his counterparty may be a minor or impersonate another person. The use of the Services implies that the User understands and accepts these risks, and agrees that the Site is not responsible for acts or omissions on the part of the User.
If the User has a claim against another User as a result of the use of the Services, the User agrees to submit these claims independently and without interference from the Site, and also relieves the Site of all claims, liabilities, compensation for damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees fees, known or unknown, arising as a result of or in connection with such requirements. The site is not responsible for the loss of information by the User, as well as for distortion of information or loss of communication. The site is not responsible for non-fulfillment or difficulties in the performance of obligations due to unforeseen circumstances of force majeure, the consequences of which can not be avoided or overcome (such as decisions of the authorities, strikes, accidents, breaks in the general communications system, etc.). During the existence of the above hindrances, the User is obliged to make every effort to fulfill his obligations.
The site does not guarantee a permanent, uninterrupted and reliable access to the Services, as the factors that are not controlled by the Site can interfere with the management of the Site. The use of the Site and the Services is provided without warranty, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Site relieves itself of all guarantees and other obligations, as defined by applicable law, and others, including but not limited to obligations relating to competence and professionalism , as well as requirements related to compliance with deadlines.
When filling out and sending forms on the Site, the User provides the following information: Name, e-mail address, contact phone number. The user, at his discretion, has the right to expand the list of transmitted information, if this does not contradict the current legislation.
By submitting your personal data when filling in the forms (any available forms for filling in the Site) on the Site, the User agrees to their processing by the Site, including for the purpose of the Site fulfilling the obligations to the User within the framework of this User Agreement, informing the Users about their services, promoting the Site goods and services, conducting electronic and sms-polls, controlling marketing actions, customer support, arranging the delivery of goods to users, monitoring of satisfaction User A Quality of Service Site. It is not considered a violation of the Site to provide information to third parties acting on the basis of a contract with the Site, in order to fulfill obligations to the User.
The site has the right to send information, including advertising messages, to the e-mail and mobile phone of the User with his consent. The user has the right to refuse to receive advertising and other information without explaining the reasons for the refusal. Service messages informing the User about the status and processing stages of the information placed by him or the ordered service and informing about important changes in the work of the Site are sent automatically and can not be rejected by the User.
The site has the right to use the technology "cookies". "Cookies" do not contain confidential information, and the Site has the right to transmit information about cookies to Partners, agents and third parties who have agreements concluded with the Site, in order to fulfill their obligations to the User and for the purposes of statistics and optimization of advertising messages.
The site receives information about the ip-address of the visitor of the Site. This information is not used to identify the visitor.
The site is not responsible for the information provided by the User on the Site in a public format.
Site messages intended for Users are published on the Site and / or sent to e-mail addresses provided by Users when registering or posting ads on the Site.
User messages sent to the Site are sent by the methods indicated on the site. Messages published on the Site are deemed to be delivered to the User from the moment of their publication. Messages sent by e-mail or fax are deemed to be delivered to the other party immediately after receipt of the delivery confirmation.
The site reserves the right to change this Agreement by notifying the User or publishing the amended Agreement on the Site. The amended agreement extends to new Users from the date of publication on the Site. The amended Agreement applies to previously registered Users after thirty (30) days after the change notification. However, changes to the list of "Prohibited Goods for Sale on the Site" come into force from the moment of their publication on the Site.
This Agreement shall enter into force after the User provides the electronic address, login name and password and continue to operate indefinitely.
The User has the right to terminate his right to use the Services by sending a message about this by e-mail or otherwise provided by the software of the Site.
The site reserves the right to terminate access to the Services of the User who violates these Terms. The billboard reserves the right to stop access to the User's Services at its own discretion. A user whose access to the Services has been terminated or whose Information has ceased to be valid does not have the right to register again or to use the registration data of another User without the special permission of the Site. The site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the provision of the Services and to stop access to the Services of all registered Users.
This agreement is governed by the laws.
All possible disputes over the Agreement are resolved according to the norms of the current legislation.
The rules on consumer protection can not be applicable to the relationship between the User and the Site.
Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as an establishment between the User and the Site of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal hiring relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for in this Agreement.