Great IKEA! A Brand for All the People

Publisher: | Olympus Business |
The year of publishing: | 2008 |
pages: | 224 |
Binding: | Hard cover |
Format: | 84h108 / 32 (130h200 mm, standard) |
ISBN: | 978-5-9693-0081-1 |
The weight: | 290 g |
Helen Lewis book of the series "Stories of famous brands" is devoted to the theory, principles and history of one of the most expensive brands - "IKEA". It shows how this brand has brought great income business owner - Ingvar Kamprad as did his legendary personality. By tactfully describes the weaknesses and strength, luck and mistakes IKEA business model; It tells the story of the brand, change the view of many of the modern design.
The book will be of interest to professionals, marketers, brand managers, as well as ordinary consumers.
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