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IKEA News of the world

IKEA and Cannes Lions. Advertiser year.

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The 58th Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival will start soon. According to the press service of the festival, this year the IKEA furniture concern will receive the award in the "Advertiser of the Year" category. With which we congratulate him.

This is not the first IKEA award and, we hope, not the last. The company has been actively participating in the festival's XK XMXX program and more than once its commercials have been awarded various awards. Over the past twenty years, 20 lions have been "lying around" in the IKEA bank. This is indeed a very revealing moment, especially since IKEA received awards in all categories. The Cannes Festival management noted the correct marketing strategy of the concern, which allows IKEA to be present every year in the list of festival winners. Separately, the 50 video of the year "Lamp" (Lamp), which became the winner of the festival, was mentioned.

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