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Blasco cleaning kit small

Blasco cleaning kit small
4.0 /5 rating 1 vote
Article number 903.759.47
-Easy to hang thanks to the hole in the handle.
- A rubberized strip will allow to collect all garbage to the last grain of sand.
product dimensions
Width: 21 cm

Handle / Dustpan: Polypropylene
Bristles: PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)
Edging: Synthetic rubber

Prices in IKEA stores in different countries

The history of changes in the price of goods

The minimum price for the item 0 $ was equivalent to 2022-05-08 in the country: Indonesia.
The maximum price of an 256.15 $ product was equivalent to 2021-03-25 in the country: Hong Kong.
Price history is available from March 2019. The default graph shows the countries with the highest and lowest prices, as well as the user's country. To display on the graph of other countries, click on the name of the country of interest at the bottom of the graph. Prices on the chart are approximate, in US dollars.

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