2. If all the furniture this manufacturer put on each other, then it will be possible to get to the moon.
3. If all the people who work in manufacturing furniture settle in one place, it will take the whole city.
5. A daily walk in the nearest complex Ikea furniture can replace a hike in the gym.
6. In order to avoid all the furniture stores IKEA the world will need a minimum of 5 years, if you do it on 8 hours a day.
7. On the transfer range of furniture IKEA read aloud needed without interruption for two days.
8. If all the furniture and set fire to assemble Ikea, the released energy will be enough for heating small country.
9. If you decide to sleep every night at the new IKEA bed, then you will need 122 life, to sleep on the already produced.
10. If you collect all the wrapper with pimples on the packaging of the furniture manufacturer, is to burst the pimples need the help of the world's population in the last month.
The slogan of IKEA (IKEA)
The slogan of the company states: "The furniture should cost as much as are the materials from which it is made." How can we make sure Ikea manages to keep prices roughly in this range. What effort? What's the difference!
IKEA (IKEA) - choice of middle class
Thanks to low prices and competent marketing policy, Ikea furniture is becoming more and more popular among the middle class, and it is precisely for him that it is focused. You can argue as much as you like about the advantages and disadvantages of certain solutions, one thing is obvious - Ikea wiped her nose to all furniture manufacturers, proving in practice that high-quality and inexpensive furniture is possible.
IKEA Catalogue
It also applies as in the very beginning of the company - with the help of mailing.
The prices for all products in the IKEA catalog are frozen for a whole year, you can be sure that you buy any of the items presented in it at the same price that is indicated on the pages.