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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Creative table for coffee ceremony

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Creative table for coffee ceremonyToday we would like to offer you an excellent remake mini coffee table with simple supports for logs. It was quite easy and interesting.
How do you want sometimes plunge into solitude with a cup of coffee and your favorite book (magazine). In the kitchen? Ordinary, and fussy. In the room behind a desk? It is not always comfortable, and noisy. In a bedroom or office? A great option: quietly. During the spring and summer is a place to relax and you can build on the balcony! But first you must find the small table so that it fit perfectly for your cozy corner. Particularly if space is limited in your home. Or you can construct it yourself without much effort.

We would like to offer you a creative idea to realize your dreams, which featured a subject that is not intended to be shared tea. This wooden stand for magazines KNUFF from IKEA. Surprised? There is no doubt! Especially since the creation of the table will take the minimum amount of time and money, and you will bring this lesson a lot of fun. So, we go to the most trouble. You will need 4 Stand KNUFFWhich are sold in pairs (one large and one smaller), then swivel chair in which the legs are to be fixed and reliable, and the base is rotated, and liquid nails. Swivel chair (chair before this present in almost every home), if you are not there, you can change to stool Frost either turntable SNUDDA of wood. You have no restrictions, only a lot of options for conversion. Remove from the chosen seat of the chair, and leave the base. Stand KNUFF easy to assemble and resemble the designer, so you can stack them in any way.
Examples of possible transformations stands below. At first glance, it may seem a puzzle, but it is not so!

Creative table for coffee ceremony

Got this brilliant countertop.

Creative table for coffee ceremony

The photo shows the stand for magazines KNUFF. Supports smaller insert inside large on all four sides. Obligatory point is bound liquid nails stands between them (where necessary) and the base for total reliability. Countertop can be varnished or bright colors. Get creative.

Below we offer an alternative basis for the mini table - stool Frost in combination with a tray SNUDDA.

Creative table for coffee ceremony

Stool Frost (from untreated wood can be painted in any suitable for your interior color) and turntable SNUDDA from IKEA.
Demonstrate the end result is a kind of alteration. All four corners can serve as shelves for your favorite books and publications, and in the center of the table there is a place to store pencils, pens and scissors.

Creative table for coffee ceremony

It remains only to put a table in the right place in your home and enjoy reading a cup of coffee in a relaxed atmosphere. This beautiful coffee table will not only decorate the interior of the apartment, but also creates a comfort on the balcony in the summer. Also, this transformation from Ikea can be an alternative design options for coffee tables.


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