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IKEA Advertising Campaign

Campaign "is beautiful every day» - show must go on!

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Advertise lamps IKEAKitchen carousel and floating in the sky marked the beginning of large-scale beds promotion called «The Wonderful Everyday»That sounds like a Russian interpretation "Is beautiful every day". By the way, she has managed to win the title of one of the best in the past year 2014 campaigns. Furniture retailer in tandem with the advertising agency Mother London did not stop and continued a series of creative rolls.

The next saw the light of a beautiful video with forest "fireflies." With their role perfectly mastered LED bulbs all kinds of ikeevskogo directory that illuminate the night forest. This roller creators also reminded of the fact that IKEA 2016 year to fully switch to selling only energy-saving lamps. It's amazing how one little thing can make such a huge change. What happens if at least one million bulbs replaced by LED counterparts?

 {mp4} video / stories / articles / reklama / v_mire / ikea-advert-storage / forest-TV-advert {/ mp4}

For greater clarity, it is comparable to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. So only one this is the same that on 6700 cars will be less, or even the appearance of 17-five million trees. Impressive, is not it? IKEA minute roller once again tells us that it is in our power to implement.

T-shirts, flying squirrels - the main character's actions fourth infomercial aforementioned advertising campaign, which was released under the title «The Joy Of Storage» or «Joy storage". Like wild migratory birds, t-shirts can not find your area. And only in the furniture set from IKEA cosily arranged in its place.

 {mp4} video / stories / articles / reklama / v_mire / ikea-advert-storage / joy-of-storage {/ mp4}

Developers and designers are helping to make our lives more comfortable. Organization of space and the things around us plays an extremely important role. Make your life easier with IKEA.

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