Each of us has a lot of things. In the course of life and, if necessary, we grow them from all sides. Some of them we use every day, something is run into the work episodically, something is thrown out by us without regret. But there are things lying untouched for many, many summers, which we are anxiously guarding against any encroachments. We can stumble upon them completely by accident and immediately reproduce a whole series of stories for a short life movie. We remember their existence only when they have already acquired their own children and are in a hurry to tell them and show an amazing story from their distant childhood or youth. Such expensive to the heart and memory of gizmos can be found in anyone.
End of last year for IKEA saw the launch of the project with the telling title "Rem values", Which today has not lost its relevance. So it will remain tomorrow. After all, a project about the eternal, about what remains with us forever - about memory. Everyone had a unique opportunity to take part in the competition and tell about that unique thing from the distant past, which to this day, it is only necessary to take it in hand or simply glance at it, awakens a lot of warm and bright emotions. A number of short feature films and documentaries were presented to the TV viewers. They are based on real stories of things that are carefully kept at home to this day.
Often you had to hear in your address: "Well, why do you need this junk? Throw it out and do not hammer the place with useless things! ". A huge old suitcase with toys, a projector to look through the film diaphrammes, a large box with notebooks, in which you once wrote down your poems, ancient figurines, grandmother's theater binoculars. How can this be broken up? After all, for you it is not just faceless objects. Emotions, memory, warm memories, a whole life story, the connection of many generations - all this is enclosed in them. From this they never get rid, on the contrary, they try to convey to the descendants. The Swedish producer as if calls to never leave the dear values which as if by magic wand, let for a moment, give you an incomparable sense of warmth and connection with your beloved family and friends. For such things in the house must be allocated special places, and IKEA will take care of the availability Shelves, cabinets и boxes in the required amount.
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