Finally became clear opening date IKEA in Vilnius - August 14 2013 г. Как стало известно из официальных источников, двери торгового центра будут открыты для покупателей ежедневно с утра до 10 20: 00. Напомним, ТЦ ИКЕА в Вильнюсе - первый и единственный магазин шведского производителя в странах Балтии.
Discovery shopping center предшествовали масштабные работы в строении площадью около 25 000 квадратных метров, которые на данный момент уже закончены в полном объеме. Рядом с долгожданным ТЦ расположится ресторан шведской кухни, а в маленьком магазинчике неподалеку можно будет приобрести продукты шведского производства.
In a previous article, posvyschennoy news from the construction site IKEA store, we have to remember them the competitive selection of candidates for the job of new employees store... At the moment, most of them - 140 people - have already been employed. According to preliminary information, the IKEA company plans to create about 200 jobs in Lithuania.
Near the site on which the construction of a new shopping center Baltic, currently still under construction of a bypass road. In exchange for the implementation of the investment project, the authorities Lithuania promised to make a spin-off from the western bypass road Vilnius.
We note that the company's investment will amount to Felit 100 million euros. IKEA low prices distinguish it from other furniture manufacturers. Swedish International Trade Organization today consists of nearly four hundred stores worldwide.