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IKEA News of the world

Even more IKEA in Spain

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The plans to create up to 14 million new jobs over the next year the Swedish furniture group IKEA SpainAnd to double the number of stores to 2025 year. The information came from the Iberian unit IKEA - Tolga Onsu. He previously was head of Group sales in Sweden, then deputy director of IKEA units on the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

With regard to the outcome of the accounting year, summing up the tradition 31 August sales growth in the Iberian Peninsula amounted to 10%. To date, up to furniture IKEA store may get 65% of the Spaniards, but the company wants to increase the figure to 80%. Over the years 5 IKEA has invested in the Spanish market 700 million euros, but plans to increase this figure by another 1 billion euros.

Spanish IKEA

Recall that the first IKEA store in Spain was opened in the distant year 1996, and only then appeared in the country 13 shopping centers Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, ​​Malaga and other cities.

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