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News IKEA in Russia

2015 Investments in Russia

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IKEA Russia 2015Despite the current economic situation, it is time for IKEA positive news. Swedish manufacturer, according to Daniela Rogosich (representative of IKEA), announced its intention to invest 2,3 billion, which is about 19 billion SEK in Russian shopping centers, shops and production in Russia. Thus, they are calculated as a minimum double the sale by the 2020 year. Has shared the news agency Bloomberg, which, in turn, referred to the publication Dagens Nyheter (Sweden).

Today IKEA is focused on Moscow and the Moscow region, but interest in new markets of the country is also not fading away. Daniela Rogosich clarified that the possibility of opening IKEA shopping centers in 25 cities of the Russian Federation is currently being assessed. Building a new enterprise is planned, for example, in Veliky Novgorod, namely: the production of kitchen furniture and furniture for dressing rooms.

IKEA continues to be one of the largest retail chains in terms of sales furniture and accessories for home interiors. In Russia alone, the company owns 14 MEGA shopping centers and IKEA stores.

IKEA Stores

PS While typeset article, the network began to appear evidence that the immediate opening of IKEA stores only scheduled for 2018. It also became known that in 2015, thanks to the closure of the skating rinks in the MEGA shopping centers, a considerable space will be freed up, which is planned for catering and entertainment areas. The first to test the new concept are Mega Khimki and Mega Teply Stan.

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