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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Multifunction table from ... EXPEDIT shelving!

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Sewing miracle table EXPEDITAcquires a new and, most importantly, our area, we aim to make it as comfortable as possible. First of all, when the room environment is preferred piece of furniture that can free up space by overloading and take on many functions.

In today's alteration will be discussed just about this piece of furniture. This multidisciplinary tableWhich involves the use of a large working surface for different needs, shelves and drawers for store papers, journals and items needed, such as creativity. This table can easily be used as a workplace for nature, was fond of cutting and sewing, or other type of needlework.

To build a creative miracle of the table will need:

  • 3 shelving EXPEDIT (79h79 cm);
  • 7 legs Capito;
  • plywood sheet 79h118 cm;
  • board countertops size according to your wishes (in our version used - 100h140 cm);
  • sandpaper;
  • connecting bolts;
  • 10 corners;
  • lacquer or wax for processing wood materials (if necessary).

The first thing we do - gather in the square, like a puzzle, the base table of the shelves EXPEDIT. One of them may be provided with Reach drawers In the same series. General view of the table only benefit from this, and plus to all the additional option will appear as a place hidden from prying eyes. It should be borne in mind that a small gap is formed in 1 cm for the preparation of shelves. This is one of the reasons, require the use of additional boards, which is sutured base design. You must first carefully sandpaper to sand all the angles.

Remaking EXPEDIT

In advance make a layout, perform the installation Capito legs Series. They are made of stainless steel and are adjustable in height (11-16 cm). The use of legs, even such tiny, allows to call this creation table. For greater stability of the table one of the legs is placed in the middle.

We can only spend a couple of manipulation. Now, with the help of over the anchoring countertop. If plaque is not treated, then to increase the wear resistance and service life, the surface should be covered with a layer of varnish or wax. Leave to dry for a while, and then carry out the installation.

Finishing touches EXPEDIT rework

Shelves collection EXPEDIT are present in a variety of colors and you can choose what is right for your interior. Stylish, compact and functional! These three components will delight any owner-needlewoman.

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