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Breakfast in bed for residents of London

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Breakfast in LondonRather unusual action proposed to IKEA for residents London. In the first quarter Shorditch outdoor cafes, where you can enjoy breakfast in bed. Moreover, to visit this cafe are not only the residents of London, but also its numerous guests. Breakfast from the cafe under the telling name Bed Café and the company IKEA will consist of traditional Swedish foods that can be purchased at any supermarket-producing country.

According to the publication Standard, the best dish recognized gravlax, served on toasted rye bread with dill sauce or sour cream. No less popular and hot waffles with vanilla sauce in Swedish. Instead of adding vanilla sauce can be ordered chocolate spread, fruit or honey.

Lovers of classical European breakfast They will certainly be delighted by the presence in the menu of Swedish eggs and bacon, and those who are really quite sensitive to the choice of delicious and healthy food, may make an order that will include muesli or fruit salad.

Bed Cafe

After breakfast, you can arrange a short rest on the bed, courtesy of IKEA. Just Bed Café It is 9 beds, seven of which - double. The time limit for the rest make no more than 45 minutes for each of the visitors.

The cafe is open for only three days: from 18 20 May 2015 of the year. Given the fact that he wants to be typed quite a large number, open book through Internet technologies.

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