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Advertising campaigns IKEA in Russia

IKEA in all aspects of life!

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All the cottage!Summer. Heat. City pushes the inner atmosphere beyond its limits. For someone it is time the long-awaited full-time leave, but for someone just a short-term trips to rest in country house. But even such fleeting weekend want to spend as comfortable as possible and desirable, regardless of weather conditions. The necessary comfort and relaxing mood sets the environment around us, which is dominant furniture to give and related accessories. Another advertising campaign from IKEA, developed in conjunction with the creative agency Instinct, come at just right. After watching this video can not be positive not pay attention and do not look into one of the stores of the company, following tout the slogan "Relax abroad at home.

Roller accompanies the start of sales of new products generously flavored summer collection IKEA intended to organize recreation for cottage. Beach chairs, Hammocks, RetroUmbrellas и deck chairs, Comfortable and stylish PavilionsAs well as children's furniture to relax. Only Collection There are more than 250 different names.


In his video IKEA put the primary goal to achieve increase customer loyalty towards the brand, demonstrate the breadth of the range of products for recreation, Games, entertainment, cooking and eating.

Company products are available to the whole world. Anyone under the power to create a real paradise in their own country, and not to stray in his quest away from home. With IKEA cottage ceases to be a place where old things are brought to nowhere to store in a city apartment and throw a pity. And suddenly come in handy?

Amazing transformation occurs dull garden into a personal paradise, where you do not need to book a ticket, and there is always a place for you and your big happy family company. IKEA designers, developers are invited to the exclusive world of relaxation with all its inherent attributes. With a set of furniture from the Swedish manufacturer vacation at the cottage in the country can become a good alternative to travel abroad ... and enviable in the favorite neighbors.

Relax at home abroad

We just need to wish fans IKEA phenomenal summer sun and successful acquisitions for your favorite garden to make your stay comfortable in the country and will help to forget about foreign countries for at least one season!

{mp4} video / stories / articles / reklama / in-Russia / my-dacha / my-dacha-1 {/ mp4}
{mp4} video / stories / articles / reklama / in-Russia / my-dacha / my-dacha-2 {/ mp4}

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