C 11 December this year IKEA opened a new service for the residents of Novosibirsk called "Shopping from home"Which will enable the Swedish manufacturer to order products via the Internet. The press service of IKEA confirmed this fact.
To place an order via the Internet, the buyer must immediately choose an item on a dedicated website "IKEA Novosibirsk". Further, the buyer is invited to fill out the form and send it after the formation of by e-mail to the store. Then wait for the confirmation from the representatives of the company IKEA, as well as to agree on the terms of delivery.
Payment for orders can be made by credit card or pay cash. Delivery times IKEA in Novosibirsk can reach 3 days. Recall that for the first time this service IKEA tested on inhabitants Omsk, running it in 2013 year. The company plans to expand the geography of services "Shopping from home." The following cities lucky Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novokuznetsk and Barnaul. Close to the moment when the service will benefit residents of Eastern Siberia.
Cost of delivery not so great, according to the press service of the company, it will be only 350 rubles.