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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

"Flower" Pendant Lights of pots SKURAR

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Today we present to our readers a very simple but useful adaptations, which will give new life to an old chandelier. For it you will need pots of series products SKURARWhich you can purchase at any of the company's shopping centers easily. As a result, we get a rather rework cute hanging lamp. We chose SKURAR white, but in IKEA catalog ornamental flowerpot also available in red, black and other colors. So, down to business.

We think almost all of us have chandelierWhich you need to upgrade or replace it and we will use in our "ikeahack". The first step in remaking we will need to make a hole in the bottom of pots and pull wire through it, which will be mounted luminaire. The hole should be large enough to cover pots reminded lampAs they will need to continue to consolidate the place of the old lampshades on the frame Pendant lights

Old chandelier for rework

Planters SKURAR for rework

Hole in pots SKURAR

In the description of the goods means that ornamental flowerpot made of galvanized steel and coated with epoxy powder coating, however, we cannot vouch for the absence of deformations when the lamp is heated, therefore we suggest using energy-saving lamps.

New hanging lamp SKURAR

New pendant lamp from pots SKURAR

Ready remake

It is impossible not to agree that new light It is really good and if you do not know the history of its creation, it is quite reminiscent of a designer thing, bought in a store.

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