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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

City roads Baby Entertainers LAK

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Game tableWhat is most important for children? Of course, games! Therefore, each parent tries in his own way to organize a place for games for his child. In this case, you can rely on your own imagination, or you can "spy" the idea. IKEA's children's products are notable for their safety, designers and creators have worked hard to develop them. But sometimes individual solutions do not quite embody what parents have conceived, and do not at all embody what is necessary for games to a particular child. In this case, we apply the motto: "The more ideas, the better!" We also offer an idea that, no doubt, will appeal to children, especially boys - a children's game table. Although girls are often addicted to cars and other traditionally "boys'" games.

The essence of the alteration is to make a full playing surface, a kind of table for the game... The basis of this construction is LACK coffee table (Brown-black, white or color birch), and the surface is made by means of children's rug LILLABU from the collection of IKEA. These two products are ideally suited to each other in size, though specially created for our Baby Entertainers.

LACK Coffee table

So, for the production of the desired and actual "gift" for the child, we need above products: LACK coffee table size 90 * 55 * 45 see or 118 * 78 * 45 seeAnd to table games look carefully, we will use the furniture (building) stapler. 

Children mat LILLABU

Note that children's rug LILLABU has a size 100 * 133 cm, which means that it will be enough to cover the surface of LAK table. Do not rush to trim the edges, they will need to tuck under the edge of the table with a good margin. For this, we and useful furniture stapler. There will have to work at least four hands to the surface was smooth and did not have a single crease. If no one to help, you can turn the table games the front side down, placing it on the mat, and thus to achieve symmetry and accuracy of the product. 

Table games

Game table ready for the kids! Try to make it and you! Moreover, it can be used not only for games, but also as a makeshift parking for toy cars and a neat store toys.

  • +2


    13.11.2014 02:26 | #
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    I can not express my delight from such alterations. All these mats are known but in the cold season, when the child wants to spend less time on the floor, a table just perfect solution.

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