According to Interfax, for quite a nominal fee, which will be based 370 11 Russian Rubles or Australian dollars, IKEA will allow 31 August some users world-renowned service Accommodation airbnb spend the night in one of the stores in the city of Sydney. The same information shared and journalists online publication Mashable.
Airbnb - a major service that provides absolutely any accommodation options to suit every taste and any budget accordingly. Now, according to the head of the Australian branch of the company - Eva Ross, The list will be added and IKEA.
At the moment, Online Airbnb you can see 3 proposals concerning rooms IKEA. Each of them can accommodate only one family. However, wishing to stay overnight in the IKEA store should tell why their family should provide such an opportunity.
There is another clause, if you agree to participate in this joint idea IKEA Airbnb, it will automatically confirm your consent to participate in yet another event with subsequent publication in the media and on the unusual revival.