Was unexpected news about parting with printed Company directory for all lovers of products retail chain IKEA. According to the publication Challenges, toompaniya came to the decision to cease to publish its catalogue... Previously IKEA catalog has a circulation of almost 200 million copies and distributed throughout the world, and there are about 38, with the publication of more than 27-of languages. But as soon as he had disappeared from the market.
If you believe the media, the management of Swedish manufacturing company has decided to discontinue the paper in favor of electronic catalog. The reason is the fact that the organization expressed the need economy paper resources, and the need of care and protection of the environment. As a result of this action those citizens who are accustomed to using IKEA catalog for elementary selection of necessary goods and accessories to decorate your interior, deprived of the opportunity to receive the magazine because of its withdrawal from the market.
However, in this step, the company's representatives are indisputable advantage: the rejection of the printed issue would be beneficial for the online version directory, which is planning to significantly expand and make more diverse.
In addition to the online version, the company IKEA plans to introduce several methods of presentation of their products, which will replace the usual customers printed catalogs. They are application for mobile phones and other handheld devices and small, compact brochure through which customers can get acquainted with the latest furniture products and household goods.