It's amazing how much is devoted to alterations LACK table from IKEA. But, nevertheless, allow the imagination to translate more and more ideas to life and LACK table appears more than once in our category alterations IKEA. As you may have guessed, today's article - is no exception.
Today we prepare to build a two-storey LACK table. For rework we needed wood panels, plywood, circular saw, band saw, paint, and some other tools. First we cut the wooden board on 5 parts. Then extract the insides countertops. As you already know from past alterations within countertops LAK there is a cardboard, so remove it from there is no difficulty.
Before placing the countertop back, we will assign a wooden panel on the legs and fill space countertops LAK pre-cut wooden slats. They will serve as legs for the second tier of our table.
As you see in the photo, LACK table You can do two tiers by inserting additional legs in the holes in the table top. Additional feet conveniently stored in the table top.
In its usual form LACK table it will be possible to use as usual furniture, and two-tier - as needed, for example, when guests come.