Infrequently alterations IKEA devoted to the youngest - children. But still, we try to pay attention and time, and they. For example, in April we wrote already about LACK table and how it can be applied to games. Today we will tell not only how to make a place for games, but as a well-organized storage of toys, such as Lego, which is so fond of children.
So, play complex, or if you like, play area, the purpose of which - Toy storage. The main component of the alteration - LACK coffee table size 118 * 78 cm.
If your kids like to collect constructor - This table will be a real boon, as all small parts Designer can be neatly sorted into cells.
Under the table put 2 organizer for small parts Lego and near - transparent box to more parts. Two organizer constructor for small elements consist of small cells, respectively Circuits can be distributed according to their color, size and other characteristics. And on the table surface can arrange the playing space.