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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Thread, needles and ... DOCUMENT?

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Making a cup DOCUMENTPens, paper, paper clips, scissors ... How important that these office tools at the right time can always be at hand. Not for nothing in IKEA catalog It presented a number of special metal objects, allowing to maintain order on the table: glasses to store pencils, basket for papers etc. But everyday life in the office are gray and monotonous, how to make objects around began to play with new colors, giving a feeling of comfort and cheer up?

Everything is very simple! Start small: Replace boring mesh cups for interesting and unusual stand for pencils. Where to get them? Of course to make yourself!

For our alterations, you will need:

  • DOCUMENT, Glasses for pens and pencils;
  • needle with a thick ear;
  • knitting yarn of different colors;
  • scissors.

The mesh texture glass, reminiscent of canvas, ideal to embroider on it any ornament. It can be any simple pattern, for example, a snake wrapped around the base of a glass or a big heart, even the usual multicolored stripes give things a completely new and unique look.

We start decorating

Vyvyazyvayut ornament

Bright Execution of documents

The color palette these glasses are not particularly full of its diversity, and if silver and orange colors do not suit you, then before you get to the embroidery, pre-paint the metal surface special paint in the cartridge.

Lessons decor DOCUMENT

Begin to embroider on the grid

Knitting lessons on the mesh canvas

Learn how to embroider on the grid

Element of ornament on the grid

Bright vivid colors bring "hitch" in the overall picture of the office, but make sure that this landscape looked harmoniously.

Do not want to see your creation anyone "taken over"? Let me know curious thief from whose property they are dealing with - the initials embroidered on the cup look very original. Also, several design options mesh canvas cups и basketsHopefully, it will create you a creative mood.

Office supplies in the decoration

Ornament on the document

However, this is not the case, forcing his colleagues to sigh with envy, stands for pencils with an individual pattern can serve them great gift. By the way such a gift can express its owner what you want to say but can not decide - embroidered heart nameknёt eloquently about the cause of your torment.


And of course, to create a unified style, do all of the above steps with the rest office "ammunition" of series of documents. Let Baskets и trays for papersand Magazine rack also will be decorated with pretty embroidery, then every day at your desk is a real treat for you.

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