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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Sweet PHOTO couple

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Hanging lamp photoIn the regeneration of any room special attention is paid to the distribution of light. Based on the needs, it is conventionally divided into local and general. Kitchen also applies this gradation. The first type is easy to implement using the embedded tubes arranged, for example, above the work surface or hob. As for the second option, then here come to the rescue pendant lights for the kitchenCope with their tasks perfectly.

If we talk about the general lighting and pendant luminaires, then apply their subsequent separation in functionality:

  •          general kitchen lighting;
  •          lighting exclusively dining area

In our remaking we will implement the second option. He, of course, suitable for kitchens with a large area. At least, it will be appropriate there. Pendant lights over the table not only illuminates it, but also create a kind of cozy and relaxed atmosphere during meals.

So, we will need the following materials:

  •          pendant lights PHOTO from the IKEA catalog in the number 2 pieces;
  •          electric cable;
  •          Cotton rope;
  •          wooden block of cylindrical shape

pendant lights PHOTO ideal for lamp manufacturers, as they provide directional light. It is one of the requirements applicable to lighting the dining room table.

pendant lights

Initially set black electrical cable in the photo is replaced by transparent. The wooden bar approximately 10 cm from each of the edges of the holes and make skip rope and cable to the desired length from each of the lamps.

Wooden block for the light

Pendant Lighting Kitchen

Assemble the entire structure to the ceiling. Our PHOTO modification is ready.

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