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IKEA DIY - Alterations furniture and IKEA

Let's light with SOKKERTAKA

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SOKKERTAKA ChildrenDear readers, there is a proposal to "ignite" with Lighting for children's! Of course, with our new modifications. It is so easy and simple that it can carry out any child. Incidentally, in the nursery this svoebrazny nightlight will look too pretty harmoniously.
So, what we need to rework? We need: baking SOKKERTAKA... Yes, you heard right, it is baking, 8 balls ping-pong table and LED (svetodionaya) tape. From tools: awl and glue gun.
Lighting child
The first thing a hole was drilled in the baking dish under the enigmatic title SOKKERTAKAAnd then - in a ping-pong table. Is threaded into the holes LED Strip Light with lights, fix using the glue gun. Voila! Lighting for children's done! And it can be used functionally - as a night light, and as a decorative element, decoration of the room.
Lighting for children's photo
Night light for children's
We hope that your household will really appreciate the creativity of our invention, and it will awaken your creative imagination to new alterations from IKEA!
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    03.11.2014 19:31 | #
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    Just a wonderful device. It is necessary to do so for their children and the story in the room, so they were not afraid to sleep alone. I think that even a novice in this cases could itself make such a device.
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    06.11.2014 12:28 | #
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    I think it is a good and an interesting notion to create in the baby's room, joyful and enchanting obstanovku.A if another child to bring to its creation, there will be no limit delight.
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    13.11.2014 01:55 | #
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    Carefully look at the technology of manufacturing such a miracle of light, and in fact, what could be easier! I liked in the first place that the light did not turn out expensive and very beautiful!

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